Use Your Words

Article & News

Day: July 17, 2023

The Art Of Actively Avoiding Activity

The Art Of Actively Avoiding Activity My laziness is inspiringly industrious. This stark certainty struck as I was considering cleaning my bedroom, as I had

SITE MENU (sort of)*

LOST? No judgment. We lose an intern in here weakly. Usually Billingsly. Every single week. Bless his heart. The point is we have contingencies:

LIVE SEARCH- Kinda know what you’re looking for? Try the Live Search (aka “The FINDERer”)!

*Except Billingsly. Don’t think we haven’t tried.

HEAD HOME- If all else fails and—for reasons beyond our understanding—haven’t decided to just leave, you can simply return HOME and start all over. 

Side-Note: If you happen upon a bewildered intern carrying too many coffee orders and the company credit card… could you at least bring back the credit card? Accounting is starting to ask questions.